
Oct 3, 2024

Monthly Update: October 2024

This last month was a lot less eventful than some of the previous ones. A lot of business as usual, though even business as usual always has some interesting wrinkles.

Sep 1, 2024

Monthly Update: September 2024

It’s been about 7 weeks since my last update, and the time has been well spent. The school year ended for the kids, we went on holiday, I started a new job, and more.

Jul 11, 2024

Monthly Update: July 2024

A while back I read a post that described monthly updates as “a version of social media that respects attention and focus”, and that struck a chord with me. So I’m starting a monthly update series, let’s see how it goes.

Jan 6, 2024

Zigging through Advent of Code

Advent of Code is the highlight of December for me and, as I do every year, I completed it in a language I had never used before. This year’s selection was Zig, which describes itself as “a general-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software”. (Previous languages I’ve used include Crystal and Common Lisp.)

Jan 1, 2024

My Year In Cities, 2023

Like last year, here is the list of cities I visited during 2023, in chronological order.

Mar 2, 2023

How Do Humans Think?

My various feeds have been filled with a lot of discussions of ChatGPT, its value, its use cases, whether it’s good or bad, how it works, and all sorts of other stuff. Some of it is interesting or useful, some of it is just noise, but mostly I don’t want to talk about any of it.

Jan 5, 2023

The Many Faces of Crystal

Last month I did 2022’s edition of Advent of Code, and, like every year, I did it in a language I had never used before. (Last year I did it in Common Lisp, for instance.)

Jan 1, 2023

My Year In Cities, 2022

Like last year, here is the list of cities I visited during 2022, in chronological order.

Nov 26, 2022

Multiple Signatures in EVE Online

In case you aren’t familiar, EVE Online is a space-themed MMORPG in which players build, buy, and upgrade ships, space stations, and planets to generate resources in order to enable them to do even more building, buying, and upgrading. One of the main late-game mechanics is corporations, where players band together in order to pool their resources and enable commanding ever greater portions of the galaxy.

May 8, 2022

Redactle-Inspired Edits

My favorite Wordle-related game right now is Redactle, where you have to try to guess a random Wikipedia article by the words it contains. It’s great fun trying to tease out what word could go where based on sentence structure, word length, other words around it, typical Wikipedia phrasing, and so forth.